Done by: Kenai#2066 | Feb 3rd 2023
Drop Table

The Mindscape
You are first dropped into the Tribute Hall from Season of Opulence. Move on and speak with Eris, who will connect you to one of Calus's statues to transport you into his mind. Once she's finished speaking, descend through the opening to begin the dungeon.
As soon as you landed, move ahead and examine the grate. A red, blazing bell will be visible in the distance. Shooting a bell will send players into the nightmare realm, where they will be able to access certain areas and mechanics they would not be able to access otherwise. A bell can be shot from anywhere while in the normal world, but when in the Nightmare realm, players must stand within the circle around the bell in order to be transported back to the real world. Shooting the bell outside this circle kills all players not within the circle around the bell. During dungeon encounters, players may notice that the bell is locked. In order to unlock the bell, players must kill Bellkeepers.

Proceed through the following a number of chambers while experimenting with the platforming and bells. Climb up, keep an eye out for grates with bright bells hidden behind them, and be cautious to kill enemies along the way to prevent being flung into pits.
The walkway will lead you to a big, lavish chamber with some sculptures in it. When you defeat all the opponents in this area, a door on the floor in the center of the room will open. Drop down to the first confrontation.

Nightmare of Gahlran, Sorrow Bearer
- Snipers (shooting bells at range)
- Fusion Rifles (killing visions)
- Swords (Lament, Falling Guillotine)
- Damage Supers (Thundercrash, Gathering Storm, Well of Radiance etc)
The two versions of the same lengthy room where this meeting takes place are the normal realm and the nightmare realm. Axe, Chalice, Sun, and War Beast are the four symbols from the Leviathan raid that are shown on each of the four standard locations, which each have bells on them.

When you enter the nightmare realm, two bellkeepers appear beside the bell that was not shot (for example, if I shoot the bell closer to the cup/sun rooms, the bellkeepers will appear at the bell closer to the axe/warbeast rooms, and vice versa). The bell that was used to enter the nightmare realm must be used to leave it.

When in the nightmare realm, the symbol rooms that were previously closed will be open. Two of them will have nothing inside, but two of them will have some ads alongside a Standard Bearer. Kill the Standard Bearers and pick up the standard. Players will know if they have a standard if they see a buff on their screen: “Standard Essence: (whatever symbol appears on the standard)”. Once the team has two standards, they can use the bell to return to the normal dimension. The players with a standard will then deposit their standard at the door of the corresponding room.
When a Standard is deposited, the door to that room will open, allowing the two players to enter. There will be a few war beasts and a colossus in the room, but killing them is unnecessary. Once the players are in the rooms, the third player can shoot the bell to send the team back into the nightmare realm.
The players in the rooms will then kill any Visions of Ghalran that appear. When all of the shades in a room (usually 6-7 per room) are killed, the door to that room opens. When both rooms' visions are destroyed, damage to Ghalran begins. The player outside kills bellkeepers and waits for the players inside to kill the visions. At around 10 seconds left on the timer, players should stop doing damage and head back to the bell so that the team does not die. Repeat until Gahlran has been killed.

Master Difficulty:
- Bellkeepers have void shields (Match Game is present).
- Incinerator Unstoppable Champions spawn in the side room in the Dreaming Realm after depositing a Standard.

The Crypt
It's time to enter the crypt once you've killed Gahlran (for the second time if you've completed the Crown of Sorrow raid before). Walk along the corridor until you reach a spacious, airy chamber. Flip the switch on one of the pillars in the center of the chamber by leaping along the pathway to your left. As a result, the coffins in the wall in front of you will expand and change into platforms.
Take the new route up, then cross the room back down. To bring forth another set of coffins, flip another switch here. Return to the coffin wall and climb it until a new entrance appears. You will eventually come to a significant leap of faith if you continue down the slide and through the winding tunnels. You ought should be able to make it to the platform if you jump at the very last second. If you're having trouble, use a class-appropriate leaping exotic or a sword.
Continue down the route until you come to a chamber with a bell and four sculptures of gladiators. Take note of how the statues appear to stand in everyday life. By turning them counterclockwise, the objective is to get them all facing the bell. There always appears to be one statue pointing straight forward, two pointing backward, and one pointing to the side.
To enter the shadow world, use the bell. There are switches on the backs of these sculptures that enable the statues to function normally (the shadow realm statues do not move). Use the bell to teleport back after pressing the switches as many times as necessary. If you've done everything successfully, the entrance to the vault beneath the bell will unlock, allowing you to go to the following encounter.

The Vault
- Wave-frame grenade launcher/Eriana's Vow for killing Phalanxes, normal enemies.
- Eager Edge sword to quickly move around map, kill standard bearers.
- Snipers (Long range bell shooting).
Players must enter the vault to begin the next major encounter. The objective of this game is to kill three Nightmares by depositing a total of six Standard Essences. The Nightmare will be susceptible when each two Essences are deposited.

Once in the nightmare realm, the two players who went to the wall should notice a hidden staircase. Head up this staircase into the room, where there will be many ads, including Phalanxes and a Colossus. When all ads in the room are killed, a standard bearer will appear. Killing the bearer again drops a standard that should be picked up and also extends the Nightmare Timer.
Both players should grab their standards and head back to the bell. The player who is in charge of killing bellkeepers should locate and kill bellkeepers in the Nightmare dimension. The bellkeepers, just like in the previous encounter, are opposite where the active bell is.
Once all players are at the bell with two standards between them, the team can return to the main area and deposit the standards where the symbols are. When both standards have been deposited, the miniboss becomes vulnerable and should be killed. Repeat this two more times.

- Symbols in the second round are the ones that were not used in the first round.
- Killing the wrong standard bearer decreases your nightmare timer.
Master Difficulty:
- Bellkeepers have void shields (Match Game is present).
- Barrier Champions have replaced the Colossus in each room.

The Depths
Continue through the vault into the huge chamber with the cloth-covered block in the center. Shoot through the bars to trigger the Bell of Conquest on the back left.
To get to the bell, jump from the platforms and go through the top wall hole. Climb the tube to the top to return to reality. Find another bell across the street by looking through the bars. To go to another bell, navigate the gap in the nightmare. Work your way around to the other side of the rafter and descend the chute to return to reality.
To get to the Dark Shrine, you must cross a large abyss in the following location. To go to the red doorway across the opening, turn right and proceed along the wall.

Nightmare of Caiatl, Princess-Imperial
The battle with Nightmare of Caiatl is simple yet challenging to win because of the different mechanisms at work and the fine line between needing to redo the whole battle and the damage phase. The objective is to collect four Standard Essences, ring the huge Bell of Conquest, and then utilize the three bells in the nightmare realm to stun Caiatl so that a damage phase may be initiated.
- DPS weapons (LFR, Swords, Slug Shotguns)
- Thundercrash/Well of Radiance (Starfire Protocol)

The encounter begins when you step beyond the stage, where the rally flag is. Many ads will spawn, including a total of 6 bellkeepers (2 per bell, a total of 3 bells). The big bell in the centre is supported by four beams. There are symbols beside two of the beams. Players should note these symbols down and go to the platforms at the side of the room that show the corresponding symbol. The third player can go on to shoot the bell, bringing the team into the nightmare realm.
When in the nightmare realm, players should kill their standard bearers, taking care not to kill the wrong standard bearers. Killing the correct standard bearer drops a standard to be picked up, and killing the wrong standard bearer decreases your nightmare timer. The other player should kill the four bellkeepers that spawn. The bellkeepers spawn based on which bell was shot to enter; they spawn at the other two bells that were not used. In order to reopen the bell, all four bellkeepers must be killed.

Once the two standards are collected, the team can return to the normal realm and deposit the two standards. Two more symbols will reappear at the beams that were not used previously, and the players should kill bellkeepers and return to the nightmare realm to collect these two standards.
Once all 4 standards have been deposited, a message will appear in the chat: “The Bell of Conquest is primed.” A button on the beams connected to the chains will start glowing red. When the buttons are shot, a sound effect will play and the big bell in the middle will activate. All players and the boss will be thrown into the nightmare realm as a result of this.
Two bellkeepers will then spawn per bell. The boss will spawn on the far side of the realm and will begin to move towards one of the bells. During this time, the boss is vulnerable but takes significantly reduced damage.
The team must kill the bellkeepers to unlock the bell the boss is moving to, then shoot the bell while all the players and the boss are within the black aura circle around the bell. This will stun the boss and remove her damage resistance for 11 seconds. This is marked by a buff called “Waking Resonance." After the Waking Resonance timer runs out, the boss is no longer stunned and will move toward another bell. Again, activate the bell while all players and the boss are near it, receive the Waking Resonance buff again, and continue dealing damage for another 11 seconds. After this, the boss moves on to the final bell, rinse and repeat. Once the damage phase ends for all 3 bells, the boss returns to the main arena, and the team repeats the encounter.

If a bell is rung prematurely, the boss can go to it but will not interact with it. Players will not be able to use that bell for damage either. If the bell is shot with the boss in its radius but not the players, the players outside the radius will not receive Waking Resonance and will continue to do significantly less damage to the boss. If the boss reaches the bell, closed or opened, without players intervening, she will disappear, and the team has to repeat the encounter. When the boss is killed, the encounter and dungeon are over.
Master Difficulty:
- Bellkeepers have void shields (Match Game is present).
- Barrier Champions have replaced the Colossus is the nightmare realm.